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How Do You Love You

Robin Kimbrel-Wiggs

Hello beautiful souls. I've spent the last 4 days away at a women's retreat, Creativity, Painting the Soul. Just as it sounds it is a time to learn to paint, or expand and stretch into a more intuitive way of painting.

Art has always been a part of my life and a huge desire burning inside of me. I've often said I have an artist's heart but no talent. This weekend I was challenged and stretched beyond what I would ever do on my own. It has been amazing, challenging, terrifying, frustrating and ego-bursting.

The one thing that has stood out the most to me is how I have cared for myself as I step willingly into this fire of change. I knew this event would test me on all fronts so I allowed myself to nurture that frightened, insecure 'me'. Instead of staying in an impersonal hotel I rented an Airbnb. Not just a $30 a night single bed room but a room in a charming cottage. My own private entrance, my own private garden area and the most delightful home I've ever been in. This alone allowed me to be in all of those feelings that I experienced this weekend because I knew that I was taking care of myself, that I was holding myself in a beautiful way which allowed me to work through and break through those heavy emotions that we all come up against when we challenge ourselves and put ourselves out there.

How are you loving YOU? Do you allow yourself to hold that fearful and uncertain self when you are challenged? Or do you keep pushing and denying what you need to face your world?

I am challenging you today to do something extraordinary for yourself. Make it big, make it small but do it. And then acknowledge what you did did for yourself and just sit with that for a bit. See what your body and your heart have to say during and after the fact.

I'll be back in my office tomorrow and I'm here to hold and support you in any way you need.



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