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  • Robin Kimbrel-Wiggs

When I Show Up

I recently listened to a web interview about knowing when something was right, when you just knew something was divinely timed no matter what you did or not. I started thinking about how often I struggle and fret about something I know is coming but it's not showing up fast enough for me or in the way I think it should.

Then of course I took a meander back in my life to those moments when everything seemed to be in the right place at the right time, including me. I started to think about a difficult time in my life when I could not have handled the situation I was in on my own. I remember saying to a friend, "It's as though all I have to do is show up".

Because we are always learning and I am the epitome of 'old dog, new tricks', I have learned to always be open to the epiphanies the Universe wants to bestow on me. This was one of those moments.

If you are struggling. If you are impatient. If you are frustrated. Relax mama, it's all happening whether you go at it in a snit or in ease. YOu know that right? Wherever we are, we can believe that steps are being taken, pavers being laid to lead us in the right direction at the right moment. It's how we design our own experience that we will remember. Not that everything turned out ok, but how we were in the experience.

When you have the sense that all you did was 'show up', that's when you are in the flow. That's when you are 'one' with the Universe. That's when all your lessons came together in one glorious moment in time. Savor it, delight in it and look for it in your everyday. Instead of 'what do I have to do today?" "where do I need to be today?" How about "How can I show up today?" Make it magical beautiful soul.



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